Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
The Neurochemistry of Flow States, with Steven Kotler
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Anthony Morris 3 two new books: 'Faith on the Decline' and " I Did It Jehovah's Way'
by Brokeback Watchtower in'faith on the decline' takes a poigent look at the corporation self impose trouble with gays and the tight pants crazy that has been wipe out meeting attendance, new corporate business model that is prepared to handle all the strains of a end of the world date setting fortune telling news service that is becoming obsolete.. 'i did it jehovah's way' partially borrowed from a hit song back in the 60s speaks for its self as it tells about tony's rise to power and becoming a super powered faithful and discreet slave of god all through his clever use of a psychological transference or spokes person of his very own sock puppet jehovah.
Brokeback Watchtower
'I Did it Jehovah's Way' carries a heavy self righteous tone though out reminiscent of the raving of that other narcissist Hitler, but not as bad.
Anthony refers often to the chief corporation Deity Jehovah very intimately it seems almost that he and the big guy are buddies as Anthony describes the moody characteristics of his imaginary Jehovah as is he and Jehovah were in eye contact with each other. A good dose of megalomania pervades the work and this book is definitely not for children or the easily impressionable to read. I give it one thumb down
Anthony Morris 3 two new books: 'Faith on the Decline' and " I Did It Jehovah's Way'
by Brokeback Watchtower in'faith on the decline' takes a poigent look at the corporation self impose trouble with gays and the tight pants crazy that has been wipe out meeting attendance, new corporate business model that is prepared to handle all the strains of a end of the world date setting fortune telling news service that is becoming obsolete.. 'i did it jehovah's way' partially borrowed from a hit song back in the 60s speaks for its self as it tells about tony's rise to power and becoming a super powered faithful and discreet slave of god all through his clever use of a psychological transference or spokes person of his very own sock puppet jehovah.
Brokeback Watchtower
I took Mac's : "Faith on the March' title and gave Anthony's new book a derivative.
In Anthony's new book Faith on the Decline he give's us an inside look at the impending nightmare stage of wishful thinking that the Watchtower Corporation was founded on. He bemoans the good old days of ignorance and bliss and blames the Devil for the internet and the easy access of hard to get information, and calles him the worst villain Jehovah ever laid eyes on.
Through it all Anthony maintains that Higher Education is what is wrong with the world and that every one needs a divine education prepared by himself and 7 other cronies he calls fellow faithful and discreet slaves.'Man must not live by bread alone' was the final chapter in the book, that expresses Anthony's hope for the future of the Corporation and an eventual meet up with the guy upstairs.
All the wars and killing Anthony squarely shows are caused by Satan and anybody that want life and life in abundance should submit to the authority of the main CEOs of his Corporation and not believe the lies of this world be they from science, or the courts in what they say if it does not match up what Jehovah's earthly organization is saying. But sadly Anthony sees that faith is not marching anymore and has gone on the decline, you can see it in the way the everyday Jehovah's Witness/rank and file carry out their ministry walking all slow urgent door to door work and taking long coffee and donuts breaks,,, yes they may clap he says when I give a speech and nod with their heads with agreement, but that is just because I'm looking at them, but deep down I know they are not going to do what I say it is sad really very sad. The book is a bit nostalgic and this type of reasoning permeates the whole script, a real snooze feast for the unindoctrinated, one thumb down
Brokeback Watchtower
It seems that the Catholic church accepts evolution and not a taking as literal the account in Genesis. Seems like the RCC is way better in their understanding of the bible then those hacks on the Governing Body. -
Anthony Morris 3 two new books: 'Faith on the Decline' and " I Did It Jehovah's Way'
by Brokeback Watchtower in'faith on the decline' takes a poigent look at the corporation self impose trouble with gays and the tight pants crazy that has been wipe out meeting attendance, new corporate business model that is prepared to handle all the strains of a end of the world date setting fortune telling news service that is becoming obsolete.. 'i did it jehovah's way' partially borrowed from a hit song back in the 60s speaks for its self as it tells about tony's rise to power and becoming a super powered faithful and discreet slave of god all through his clever use of a psychological transference or spokes person of his very own sock puppet jehovah.
Brokeback Watchtower
'Faith on the Decline' takes a poigent look at the corporation self impose trouble with gays and the tight pants crazy that has been wipe out meeting attendance, new corporate business model that is prepared to handle all the strains of a end of the world date setting fortune telling news service that is becoming obsolete.
'I Did It Jehovah's Way' partially borrowed from a hit song back in the 60s speaks for its self as it tells about Tony's rise to power and becoming a super powered Faithful and Discreet Slave of God all through his clever use of a psychological transference or spokes person of his very own sock puppet Jehovah.
Trend of Fewer Baptisms Continues: Latest JW Conventions in New Zealand
by steve2 inthe round of "international" conventions that started in the middle of last year in the states "wrapped" up last weekend in new zealand.
there was some media converage (from which i derived the information that follows).
(someone who knows how to copy links may be able to provide the relevant media links?).
Brokeback Watchtower
Obviously the internet has been an influence in bringing the numbers down and they should continue to go down where ever there is internet access for the general public. There may be a year or two where some of these countries show a increase but over all things should be heading down at a pretty steady rate especially with this big money grab and lawsuit pay outs news that will be filtering through to the rank and file and eventually become common knowledge. -
Has Eternal Life become a carrot?
by I_love_Jeff inin the insight on the scriptures volume 2 pages 248-249 the society says, "so with obedient mankind, when man's last enemy, death, is brought to nothing, there will be no sin working in their bodies to bring death.
to time indefinite they will not need to die.
the insight on the scriptures vol 2, page 1102 -what time indefinite can mean, "however, the hebrew expression 'ohlam' does not in itself mean "forever".
Brokeback Watchtower
Yes it has become a carrot you can sit on because it is so full of shit that's where it belongs. -
What does GOD want from his human creatures?
by B4Right inin wtbs world it's "be jehovah's friend"- it's "don't do anything to damage your relationships age my relationship with jehovah" !!
when you look at all the human relationships between god and jesus everyone was "chosen"!!
in the law of moses was there anything that told individuals to have their own relationship with god?
Brokeback Watchtower
According to Anthony Morris the third Jehovah don't want people wearing tight pants, it disgust him or at least that's the way Anthony's Jehovah feels about it so to turn a negative into a positive Jehovah wants every living human being wearing loose fitting clothes according to the book of saint Anthony Morris the 3rd.
Jehovah wants everyone to get good and rested on Saturdays to cross Jehovah on this could cost you your life according to Moses so Moses Jehovah wants everyone good and rested come Sunday. Also giving a tenth of what one grows to the priest hoods was a big one on Jehovah's to do list for humans and god loves a cheerful giver let us not forget.
March Broadcast- Jehovah is speeding up the work
by adjusted knowledge ini watched some of the segments on the jw broadcast.
in the video they showed how they managed their inventory orders for the congregations.
at the conclusion it was stated by the narrator how god is speeding up the work.. the problem is the system they implemented has been used for over two decades in logistics.
Brokeback Watchtower
Since Jehovah is almighty and he has been speeding up the work now for about a hundred years they should be approaching the speed of light.